Category Archives: Photography

Reminiscing about red rocks

As kids get older we think of times, people, and places to share with them. The first two are difficult, but the latter can be done especially if they are protected by the federal government. Some day we will go … Continue reading

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HK as seen by iPhone

This was the first time I did not have my “normal” DSLR gear with me on a trip, and while I missed my trusty Nikon, it was clear that Apple’s “more photos are taken with iPhone than any other camera” … Continue reading

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What facebook does not kill – it makes stronger

Update: has just had a major redesign. So Part II might follow. I used to do a lot more photography – purposeful photography intended to leverage technical capabilities of the cameras, film, scanners, computers, and tripods in order to … Continue reading

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Photos: St. Petersburg Dam

As weather channel was predicting 20′-30′ rise in water level during Hurricane Irine around NYC, I was thinking, would not it be nice to have a dam that would protect the city from just such a storm surge? Just days … Continue reading

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Shooting angles

There are a lot of rules in photography, and one of the biggest temptations for people is to “break” them. Pretty much always, for pretty much anyone that is a bad idea. Much like driving @ 200 Mph is a … Continue reading

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If Meng recommends it…

Meng writes: “I don’t think I’m going to need iPhoto any more. I have fallen in love with Adobe LightRoom. Joining the ranks of other DSLR snobs, I will henceforth shoot in RAW, not JPG. “ I have also been … Continue reading

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Balloon Photo

I really thought this little guy had character. He should – his parents certainly do :)

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Photo: Luxemburg Gardens Sculpture

It was nice, refreshing, slightly wierd. Such things are always easy to spot, since there is a small crowd of tourists milling around, trying to photograph the landmark this way and that. So did I. I get asked whether this … Continue reading

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Photo: Dawn

One of the benefits of starting anew is the shameless way in which old content can be reused. Below is a photo near my house taken in late November 2004.

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