Digital Swarm Behavior


Image by mrflip via Flickr

Thought this was interesting: Digital Swarm Behavior

In general, I keep waiting for a new set of paradigms for “everyone to be talking about” to emerge.

The candidates I hear about are:

  • “social graph”, as in “facebook rules the social graph”
  • “big data” – alright, this one is pretty much a common phrase by now
  • “internet scale” – common in tech circles, but I think will make a jump into mainstream reporting soon

I also liked how the article was written, especially when compared to something like Is Your Enterprise Socially-Networked or Just Your Employees which was nearly incomprehensible, and pretty boring when actually parsed.

The latter was just… lame. And what’s up with capitalizing all Your Words In A Title?

ps. I am not sure what it is today with all the “” this and CAP that for me. apologies.

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