[SYNTHETIC-WORLDS] Greenland Open Beta

Always wish I had more time to participate in such activities. Anyone has a chance to try and let me know?

Sent to a [SYNTHETIC-WORLDS] mailing list:

A main goal of the synthetic worlds initiative at Indiana University is to develop large games as research environments. To test some ideas, we have prepared a browser-based game of kingdoms, trade, diplomacy, and warfare in the stone age. The world is called Greenland and it enters open beta today. We invite those interested in such things to help us by testing the environment and contributing reactions and criticism to the forums.

To enter Greenland, go to http://greenlandgame.com/ and choose the Mercator server (the other two servers are closed for internal testing).You will need a code to register for the server; it is GLOPENACCESS.

If you have questions or problems, please contact our community manager Matt Falk at mfalk@umail.iu.edu.

Thank you.

Edward Castronova
Associate Professor of Telecommunications
Indiana University
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